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Field Trip Forms

Field Trip Consent Form

Dear Parent/Guardian: 

We are excited to let you know that we will be attending TELUS Spark on February 19th 2025.

We will be departing from SDC at 8:30 am for a 9:30 arrival.

We will be traveling to and from our destination through The Sundre Community Van

Your child will need:

ALL outdoor gear

Lunch and snacks - no heat ups.

Water Bottle


Failure to provide these items will result in your child not being able to attend. SDC is not liable for any lost items or personal belongings. 

Emergency Contacts: 

Ashley Christensen - 403-638-1530 

Harley Telgen - 403-559-6188


I hereby give consent that my child may attend the field trip to the Sundre Arena. I understand that he/she is responsible for their own belongings. Any lost, forgotten, or misplaced items are at my own expense. I will provide my child with all appropriate belongings to attend the field trip. I understand that failure to provide these items will result in my child not being permitted to attend. 

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